Many people who have lived and retired in Europe have chosen Türkiye as the place to spend their retirement. Retirement pensions in Europe are much higher compared to Türkiye. However, services and products in Türkiye are cheaper than in European countries. This means that Türkiye offers the opportunity to maintain a high standard of living for those coming from abroad. The Turkish government welcomes foreign retirees; individuals with a stable income who contribute to the local economy and do not hinder local employment opportunities.

The easiest way for retirees to legally stay in the country is to obtain a residence permit by making a real estate investment of at least $200,000.

Read more below about the best motivational facts about deciding moving to Türkiye or have a quick look for our real estate portfolio in Türkiye

Mediterranean Climate and Retirement: Natural Therapy for Health 

Türkiye’s Mediterranean region has an extremely comfortable climate for a calm life. The sunny and pleasant weather from early spring to late autumn in the Mediterranean has extraordinary healing effects for the elderly and everyone.

The Mediterranean climate, strongly influenced by the mountains extending along the southern part of the country, makes it difficult for cold air masses to penetrate from the north. The sea warms the region during the winter, maintaining relatively high humidity throughout the year. Places with abundant sunlight and clean air are very beneficial for the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. Moving to such a climate zone and integrating with the Mediterranean sea can extend your life without a question!

Year-Round Freshness: Türkiye’s Vegetables and Fruits 

Türkiye is a country known for its high-quality vegetables and fruits. You can enjoy fresh food all year round here. Taste the most delicious bananas from Anamur, oranges from Finike, and strawberries from Bozyazı in late autumn and winter. This is the time when pomegranates, which have a miraculous effect on the body, are most delicious. Finding quality and ripe pomegranates in your own country may be challenging, but in Antalya, they grow almost everywhere!

Health Insurance in Türkiye: The Advantage of Instant Doctor Appointments 

Receiving quality medical care and treatment is crucial for people in their old age. While in many European countries, a doctor’s visit needs to be planned weeks or even months in advance, reaching a doctor when needed is very easy in Türkiye. The key is to have health insurance. As for the cost of health insurance, the most expensive policy in Türkiye is still as costly as the cheapest (minimum!) policy in European countries, covering 90% of treatment in the country’s best clinics. All retirees, both local and foreign, over the age of 65 in Türkiye receive free treatment.

Turkish Medicine: Among the World’s Best 

Turkish medicine is among the top ten in the world. The key to success is good doctors, modern equipment, and quality medicine. The quality of medical education in Türkiye is consistently monitored by the state. Medical universities in the country receive the highest possible funding from the government. Turkish doctors are highly regarded worldwide. On January 21, 2012, Turkish surgeon Ömer Özkan and his team successfully performed the world’s first full-face transplant at the Mediterranean University Hospital in Antalya( Akdeniz Üniversitesi Hastanesi).

Supply of Medicines in Türkiye: Diverse, Affordable, and State-Guaranteed (h2)

Drug production in Türkiye is under strict government control. Many popular drugs not yet licensed in many countries can be easily obtained in Türkiye.

All tourists who have visited a pharmacy at least once in Türkiye notice that the prices of many drugs here are much lower than usual. There is state regulation regarding drug prices in Türkiye; pharmacies cannot inflate them at their discretion.

Note: You can easily find pharmacies open on weekends by searching for “emergency pharmacy, Nöbetçi Eczane in Turkish” online.

A Friend to People: Accessible Türkiye 

Türkiye stands out as a very accessible country for people with disabilities. Busy areas have many sidewalks with special lines for the visually impaired. All public transportation vehicles have platforms for wheelchairs. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the Turkish people, known for their hospitality and respect for children and the elderly, are also helpful and respectful to citizens with disabilities.

Health Services in Türkiye: From Family Health Centers to Hospitals 

Medical institutions in Türkiye are divided into various types:

Family Health Center 

Provides first aid, allows you to consult with a family doctor, get a prescription, and undergo tests. Specialist doctors are generally not available here, and services are often offered for free or at a minimal cost.

Municipal Health Center

The list of services is similar to family health centers. However, only registered patients are accepted here.


Besides specialist doctors, there are also private doctor’s offices. People often come here upon referral from their family doctors. Insurance may partially or fully cover the cost of services, and those without insurance may be charged a consultation fee.


Divided into Private Hospitals and State Hospitals, with facilities for inpatient care, outpatient treatment, and emergency service units.

Advanced Infrastructure in Türkiye: Comfortable City Living for Everyone 

The advanced urban infrastructure in Türkiye provides a significant advantage not only for retirees but for all residents. All social facilities are conveniently located. In urban public transportation, maximum space is provided for the elderly.

Türkiye: A Country Respecting All Cultures 

The local people are hospitable and extremely social. As soon as they hear you speak a bit of Turkish, they immediately start a conversation with you. Turks are patriotic individuals who value their culture and religion. However, they also show great respect for other cultures and nations.

Living in Türkiye is one of the most beautiful legacies you can leave to your children and grandchildren. What could be better than living in a warm climate and economically developed, multicultural country?

Elderly and retirees constitute an important and special category of our investment portfolio. For them, we offer real estate options that are suitable for their needs and ready for residence.

Our team consists of real estate consultants specializing in the field. Whether for seasonal or permanent residence, you can contact us immediately to provide you with the best options.